Modit Christmas Update

Modit Christmas Update

Modit Christmas Update!


Modit Website Revamp:

We are excited to announce our new website revamp! Our main focus has been on optimization and easier navigation, and we have added a number of new and improved features, including a more accurate filtering system, a new customer account panel, faster loading times, and mobile optimization.

One of the main goals of the new design is to provide all the important information at the top of the page, so you won't have to search for details when purchasing products. You'll see this mostly on product pages, where vital information such as platform, refund policy, product type, vendor, and requirement/dependency tags will be clearly displayed. These tags will let you know about any core dependencies for each product, such as the "ESX" framework for certain products.

Customer Account Panel:

The customer account panel is a new, easy-to-use dashboard that makes it easy to access all the information you need, including download links and your authorization token. Some of the new features include:

Library: This is your go-to page for all the items associated with your account, including information on how to download and authorize your products.

Wishlist: This is a "save for later" feature that lets you browse the store and add products to your wishlist for purchase at a later date. You can also add items to your cart directly from your wishlist.

Offers: On the offers page, you'll find all the current discounts available on the Modit store. If you'd like to be notified about special offers, sign up for the email newsletter or join our Discord and turn on notifications for the special offers channel.

Rewards: We will soon be introducing an affiliate/referral system that allows you to generate a referral link and refer friends or peers to Modit. As an affiliate or referral, you'll earn rewards such as gift cards, free product redemptions, hardware components, and giveaway entries.

Everything Else: In addition to these features, you'll also have access to your orders and saved addresses, and the "Connections" tab. This feature is still in development, but it will allow you to connect various social media accounts, such as Discord, to your Modit account. This will allow us to track and reward members of the community based on their activity on Modit.


We are also announcing our partnerships page, where we will be promoting other communities and developers who share our commitment to quality. These partners will be announced in the Discord partnerships channel and will be featured on our partners page on the website. If you'd like to apply for a partnership, you can fill out the application form on the partners page or in our Discord. We are open to partnering with anyone, from servers to developers, so don't hesitate to get in touch and let us know who you are and what you do.

Check out our partners here:

Discord Changes:

Finally, we wanted to update you on some changes to our Discord. We have decided to get rid of the developer channels and shift the focus of the Discord to a more community-driven direction. We will be adding new channels for discussion, support, and general chatting, and we encourage you to join and participate in these channels.

We will also be adjusting the ticketing system so you can get the help you need and we get the information we need, quicker. You will have the option of Developer tickets for product support / bug reports and Admin tickets for anything else, but you will have to provide relevant information regarding your order before being able to progress and have your ticket channel generated.


Thank You

Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy the new and improved Modit website!

Please provide any feedback you can in the discord regarding the new changes, this will be the first fully public release of it all so some of you may encounter some bugs or hiccups along the way. We will iron them out as fast as they're reported :).


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